sublime idiom



Lisa Nelson Raabe is a collage artist who creates an emotional sense of place by using pigments, metal filings, glass, bits of nature and thread in combination with acrylic mediums to transform color and texture.  Using both flexible and solid surfaces, the pieces hang in space or are mounted on the wall as images.  
The works exhibited in Sublime Idioms are investigations, questions and answers in search of a balance between the everyday and the substantive esoteric.  I offer an internal world of presence seen and felt through a density of physical materials and structured line.  My aim is to engender wonder and something beyond oneself as a tool to cultivate calm, self acceptance, joy and peace within a deeply receptive openness to the unexplained randomness of the everyday.  As Thomas Merton is quoted, “Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.”

In-Person Exhibitions Return To Our Galleries

Aug 23rd through Sept 24th 2021

Finally, we’re back and able to present both our Gallery Exhibitions and our Visual Voices Guest Lecture Series in-person for the Fall 2021 semester and beyond.

And what better way to launch the new academic year than with an exhibition of Faculty, Adjunct and Emeritus art and design.

We’re really looking forward to welcoming our students back to campus with this first show. It is, quite rightly, a celebration after the past year of turmoil and uncertainty. However it also reflects the caution for our immediate future – Are we now truly entering post-pandemic… or is it simply a lull before another outbreak ‘storm’?

Here is the Fall 2021 semester line-up of exhibitions and Visual Voices guest lectures…

Gallery opening hours will typically be:
Mon – Thur. 9am – 6:30pm. Fri. 9:30am – 4:30pm.
Closed Weekends.

However please call/contact our main office before hand:
309 677 2967/