Always a great introduction to Information Design and the translation of qualitative and quantitative data into a visual representation. The journey could have been a physical one, or a more abstract one – such as a shift at work.

Always a great introduction to Information Design and the translation of qualitative and quantitative data into a visual representation. The journey could have been a physical one, or a more abstract one – such as a shift at work.
Just like London buses – you wait for ages and then they all come at once. In this case we were spoiled by the visit of two amazing Visual Voices guest talks on consecutive weeks. First up was the amazing individual, my good friend – Justin Ahrens owner of Rule29. While he could have spoken at length about the wonderful creative work his company produce on a regular basis – the focus of his talk was about how ‘Design Matters’ and the impact and power of good that each and every one of us is capable of bringing, not just at a local level, but potentially at a global level too.
Second up, and equally talented where the ‘Scoundrels’ from Half Hazard Press, based just down the road in Bloomington IL. Their story of how they got to where they are now, and the range of clients they work with kept the audience enthralled – especially at the end, when they offered up HH t-shirts for the best questions (yes, I got one!)
Thank you Justin, Chris and Joel. Inspiring Visual Voices guests.