A nice introduction to Editorial Design. This was to create a direct mail piece to the general public or a more specific age range that would educate, inform, and entertain the recipient sufficiently for them to want to know more about the metric system by going to the QR code (which would take them to the USMA website.)
Side note: Countries that do not use the metric system:
It is often stated that only three countries in the world—the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar—do not use the metric system. However, this belief is incorrect. In truth, every country in the world uses the metric system to some extent. However, a few countries, including not only the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar, but also Canada, and the United Kingdom, have not yet converted 100% to metric. These countries instead use mixed systems in which metric units are either used alongside or replaced by another measurement system (typically the British Imperial system).

Best submissions will be featured in ‘Metric Today’, also at the US Metric Association booth at the Southern Arizona Regional Science Fair.