Creative Thinking… Quantity of ideas. Quality of execution.

IMG_2314I always like to start off with this exercise. Choose 15 from 30 simple creative problems and answer them as creatively as possible and as well executed as possible. Simple premise – the ability to sell your initial ideas visually and verbally to the client, creative director etc. without the luxury of a computer to overly rely on.

Hopefully the students will take the level creativity and execution for these exercises and maintain/apply it to their upcoming briefs and assignments… and beyond.

Just a few 🙂

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A new semester. Lets get creative!

Spring semester. Art 206 Methods and Process, a great chance to focus students on pushing their creativity and ALSO raising their level of pre-computer execution. No point having a great idea if they cant visualize it with a Sharpie pen and piece of paper.

The other course I’m teaching is one of my favorites – Art 306 Designing for a Brand Experience. I’ll post work for this one later.

Endangered Animal Infographics

Turtle_KatrinaMy senior students latest brief was to work on a really cool information design project. While graphic integrity and accuracy of the data/information was still their primary aim – the objectives were to select an endangered animal and present it’s ‘case’ through a visual representation (wallchart). Some really nice deliverables that didn’t lose site of the importance of presenting the facts and statistical content clearly and accurately:

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Wayfinding System

P1010255Brief: Complete presentation of wayfinding system.

Background: Riverside was able to purchase the former Shrine Theatre (the place where people ‘played in Peoria’ until the 80’s when the Peoria Civic Center was built) for only $550,000! The historic Peoria landmark with seating for close to 1,500 would now become the face of Riverside Community Church in downtown Peoria. With the help of volunteers, the building was transformed from a performance theatre into a place where people could connect with others and most importantly, connect with God.

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Summer Session/Methods & Process

TraceyWong2A nice group of students for my summer session of Art 206 Methods and Process. Essentially the same course syllabus as the spring semester version but with absolutely no time for the students to actually consider process for any of the projects!

Never the less, some nice pieces came out of the course. Here are a selection from the poster project where each student is assigned a regional company/attraction/organization, then has to create a series of posters promoting it as well as attracting outside companies to relocate to the region – however, each student also has to create in the style of an assigned designer (ranging from famous to less well known).

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