Resumé Experience


Pdf’s, jpg’s, website url’s, dropbox links, emails… all methods of getting your name out there in front of the CD or Studio Manager of the company you desperately want to intern with. But what if something landed on their desk which was so creative, so beautiful crafted and executed. A tactile experience that no digital version can offer. How can they resist opening it and exploring the contents? That is the aim of the ‘Resumé Experience – A cover letter/introduction, a resumé and a handful of  ‘teasers’ demonstrating your creative ability (not a portfolio though!). If done well, it can be an instant door opener. But if done badly – and this could be anything from bad construction, to a horrible choice of typeface, or any sort of grammatical mistake – it would sign your death warrant at that particular company.

Here are a majority of the resumé packages created this time around. Several still need working on for a variety of reasons (a spelling mistake or orphan here and there, or poor execution etc.) but for the most part – a nice selection.

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The Concept Book


Always a fun way to /push’ creativity beyond the cliché answers and, at the same time, develop the level of pre-computer execution and rendering (you don’t always have a laptop at hand – just a sharpie and a napkin!).

Choose 12 short sharp design problems from 30 and in words and images – creatively solve 🙂

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