Not only where the people of Storm Brands kind enough to talk us through their creative process – but they also found the time to review the students projects. Ewan and Co., thank you so much!

Not only where the people of Storm Brands kind enough to talk us through their creative process – but they also found the time to review the students projects. Ewan and Co., thank you so much!
Always a treat to spend a few hours wandering around this amazing place in London
A great class of 12 students (biggest group yet for me). Looking forward to taking them to some cool companies and design related venues over the next couple of weeks.
Here we go on another wonderful Study Abroad trip to London. First couple of days under our belts. Weather is cooperating nicely. Just a shame I picked up my traditional pre-trip cold – fighting it hard, but it’s kicking my butt so far!
Final assignment of the semester was a wonderful wayfinding opportunity. In teams, the students were asked to review, evaluate and redesign the complete signage system system for the Peoria Civic Center. This included proposals for an accompanying App that would assist the physical wayfinding system and also work as a brand loyalty tool outside of the building environment. The deadline presentations went very well with the six teams presenting to a client group of 13 individuals from all areas of the Civic Centers administration.
Below are a few screenshots from the different team presentations and a pdf of the ‘winning’ teams full presentation. We are hopeful that the PCC will be able to utilize some of the ideas and look forward to working with them again to help develop the wayfinding further. Thank you Jessica and your colleagues for this exciting collaborative venture.
Always a strong, fun, first project of Art 405/Information Design to understand how to take qualitative and quantitative data and translate it into a visual representation that retains the accuracy of the information with clarity and graphic integrity, but also in a way that catches the eye. Some really nice wallcharts…