Product: A *UX/UI friendly smartphone app that maps the building, serves as a exhibit guide (including theme-specific symbols), and connects the user to the museum and it’s activities in a way that develops and encourages a long term brand loyalty.

Produce THREE mocked up paper engineered, double page spreads, with each spread composed of a dynamic, creative mix of imagery and text. At least ONE spread should be a pop-up design and MUST be foldable (in other words, it opens AND closes flat), while the others should demonstrate equally unique paper engineered elements (pull tabs, windows, layering etc.) Consider visual, kinesthetic (tactile) AND even audible senses when considering ideas.
Audience: This is NOT a children’s book. It should be capable of attracting an educated, adult audience who are perhaps browsing around Barnes and Noble in search of that elusive ‘classy’ Christmas gift and who are enchanted by its construction as much as its content.
You are asked to design a series of three predominantly typographic ‘digital posters’, celebrating/visiting the theme of ‘migration’. I expect you to investigate the widest interpretation of the theme from, natural, historical, cultural and global perspectives. I envisage lots of opportunities to draw upon references to different interpretations, eras, societies, social groups, generations, statistics etc. You may wish to create a broad spectrum compendium that tells multiple stories about migration, or you may wish to focus on one group or even and individual person’s story. It might be the case that you, or your family, have personal experience of migration to relate. It might equally be the case that you have a different interpretation or migration story to tell altogether. If so convince us through your research and narrative development.
(Thank you LiSTD)
Here are just three sets.