Working on a new print piece

Invited to show a piece in a group show in early summer. I didn’t want to submit any thing old, but I also have a lot of pieces to prepare and frame for my solo exhibit also coming up in late August, so I decided to create one new composition (24″ wide x 9″ tall) based on an interesting quote I came across that really resonated with me….

“Seen clearly, life without hope is Hell, but Hell without fear is a fairground attraction”

By Matthijs Van Boxsel.

Only just started to cut and gouge, so a long way to go yet, but should be a cool piece when it’s printed out (black and white).

I’ll keep adding images to this post as it progresses.

File Apr 06, 10 17 55 AM Photo Apr 14, 7 46 38 PM Photo Apr 21, 11 13 06 PM

“All The World’s A Stage”

Final theatre production of the 2014/15 season, and possibly the most fun to design for. “As You Like It”  – popular Shakespeare but in this case with a twist as our director is setting it in and around 1940’s/50’s California. With the backdrop of the redwoods. Zoot suits, wrestlers… and sheep!

As always a wonderful line of creative thought process between myself and the Theatre Chair:






… and the final artwork.


Sculpture Walk Peoria


Really great team brief. As usual, the teams were picked out of a hat rather than letting everyone work with their Bff’s!

This exciting new arts event/organization coming out of the Warehouse District required a complete branding as well as some thoughts on how to make the target audience(s) aware.

Presentations were held at the organizations headquarters, to a committee – so nothing intimidating for the students!

Overall, everyone did a great job, with some really strong brand ideas. The one suggestion/observation that came out of it was that while the level of work was excellent,  the students themselves need to try to inject more passion and enthusiasm into their delivery. I think nerves got the better of many of them. Never the less – a great way to head off into the Spring break.

And congratulations to Erin, Adan and Kaitlyn – the days overall winning team.

Continue reading “Sculpture Walk Peoria”

Resumé Experience


Pdf’s, jpg’s, website url’s, dropbox links, emails… all methods of getting your name out there in front of the CD or Studio Manager of the company you desperately want to intern with. But what if something landed on their desk which was so creative, so beautiful crafted and executed. A tactile experience that no digital version can offer. How can they resist opening it and exploring the contents? That is the aim of the ‘Resumé Experience – A cover letter/introduction, a resumé and a handful of  ‘teasers’ demonstrating your creative ability (not a portfolio though!). If done well, it can be an instant door opener. But if done badly – and this could be anything from bad construction, to a horrible choice of typeface, or any sort of grammatical mistake – it would sign your death warrant at that particular company.

Here are a majority of the resumé packages created this time around. Several still need working on for a variety of reasons (a spelling mistake or orphan here and there, or poor execution etc.) but for the most part – a nice selection.

Continue reading “Resumé Experience”

The Concept Book


Always a fun way to /push’ creativity beyond the cliché answers and, at the same time, develop the level of pre-computer execution and rendering (you don’t always have a laptop at hand – just a sharpie and a napkin!).

Choose 12 short sharp design problems from 30 and in words and images – creatively solve 🙂

Continue reading “The Concept Book”

The Mountaintop

The latest theatre production – The Mountaintop. As always, I tried to veer away from the obvious visuals (actually wanted to avoid images of MLK jnr. completely), but this would be a problem for those not familiar with the play/script. So here are a few of the transitions for the poster:





And the final version…


Bonding Time!

After class session #3 the students went off to do their own which included the changing of the guards, Westminster Abbey, and Harrods. I went off to Hampstead Heath to search ou a pub I was curious about.

The evening was centered around a class ‘team bonding’ session. I introduced my students to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese on Fleet Street. A very cool old pub with small cosy rooms spouting off everywhere. Plus a home of Sam Smiths beer, maybe not the best beer, but definitely the cheapest in this neck of the woods.

Fun was had by all. Lets see if they all show up for 10:30am class tomorrow 🙂

Paper Engineering

Once again, the paper engineering brief rears its ugly head! A test of creative thinking beyond the two dimensional realms of editorial design, and a competition to see who can reach the deadline without needing to visit ER with a sliced finger from trying to construct the pages!

The subject for this coffee table style book this time was ‘The Circus’. The audience was adult (not kids), and content could be anything from facts, poems, quotes etc.

Here are just a few: