The Coffee Company with ‘Attitude’







Long-Business_Logo_FINALBackground: Are you a coffee drinker? No, I don’t mean a Tall, Non-Fat Latte With Caramel Drizzle, or a Grande, Iced, Sugar-Free, Vanilla Latte With Soy Milk, and especially not a Grande, Quad, Nonfat, One-Pump, No-Whip, Mocha! I mean a cup of good old – perhaps with a drop of milk and maybe throw in a sugar – coffee?

Do you get in the line at your regular caffeine haunt only to find out the person ahead of you is basically talking a different language with the Barista and their drink takes a team of three people 15 minutes just to order.

JF Coffee Company is a coffee shop. It serves coffee, no pour overs, no lattes, no iced drinks, no tea, no espresso…. just f***ing coffee.

Tone of Voice: No fuss. ATTITUDE.

Requirements/Deliverables: Depending on your approach and audience you are to try to identify as many touch points as possible that connect the brand with the customer. Loyalty is a BIG part of the success of this type of venture. Think returning customers, not just because they like the product but because they LOVE the brand image of the place and like to identify with it – again, think ‘attitude’. What can you do to ensure this loyalty – that’s the key.

Some nice ideas….

Continue reading “The Coffee Company with ‘Attitude’”

Branding a specialist cake company with no physical presence (Art 306)








Alexis_PackagingA new brand. specializing in luxury handmade cakes, including alcohol infused cupcakes (heck yes!) No store front. Most transactions primarily carried out via  their website or a smart phone app. The only physical  touchpoint experience between brand and consumer will be the packaging when the product arrives in the mail or is delivered.

Deliverables_ Brand mark. Smart phone app. Packaging.

Here are some of the solutions

Continue reading “Branding a specialist cake company with no physical presence (Art 306)”

Poster Series Challenge







Draw a designer out of the hat. Draw a local company, attraction or organization out of the hat. Present a series of posters that both promotes the latter as a success story in the region and encourages other businesses to consider relocating to Peoria, but in the style of the selected designer (without ripping off any particular piece/body of their work). Always a challenge. Always fun to see the outcomes. Here are a few to share 🙂


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Crit: The Penney drops

Michael Evamy: Creative Review Dec 2013

Struggling retailer JC Penney has abandoned its logo again, this time in favour of its classic 1969 version






Four logos in three years. No, we’re not talking about a student magazine or village shop. This is JC Penney, a retail chain with more than 1,000 department stores in suburban shopping malls all over the US. A formidable force in American retailing for over a century, it’s a US institution: the site of its first outlet, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, is a National Historic Landmark.

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Paper Engineering Brief

Nice to throw a ‘curve ball’ into the course mix. In this case asking the students to design spreads for a paper engineered celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the US Wilderness Act. Not only did they have to consider the 2D elements, including the text/typography playing a major part of the composition rather than merely a supporting role, but they also had to build in some form of appropriate paper engineering such as pop up, flaps or pull tabs etc.

Just to make it a little harder – the target audience was adults looking for that elusive Christmas gift 🙂